Cryo Sur and DRR celebrate their 25 years of succesful cooperation!
What we’re celebrating today is an important milestone reached with our historic distributor in Chile Cryo Sur, an extraordinary goal obteined thanks to a huge teamwork, with ongoing trust, commitment, passion, dedication and competence.
The first Cryo Sur order to De Rigo Refrigeration dates back to 1998, and since then our cooperation never stopped!
There are over 300 shops that we have done together, projects ranging from the small store to the big hypermarkets of more than 10 thousand sqm of surface area.
A truly special partenrship that created over the years with Cryo Sur, full of challenges and great satisfaction.
In the picture you can see Raul Marambio Gallardo, CEO of Cryo Sur, awarded by Christian Dean, DRR Head of Sales Extra Europe.
Thank you very much Cryo Sur for the trust you have ever placed in DRR!
And to all of you we say “stay connected” because very soon we will show you the latest supermarkets opened in Chile with next-gen DRR cabinets.